Today I spoke to Maggy and she gave me the mission of giving you the latest news on her recovery.
The positive thing is that she has been transferred to a rehabilitation center and is no longer attached to a thousand and one machines! Maggy now has a private room in a former convent, which overlooks a small garden, which allows her to see a squirrel, two hares and a few marmots. This is where Maggy will begin her long journey to relearn how to mobilize and regain her abilities following her head trauma, thanks to the help of speech therapists, occupational therapists, neuropsychologists and specialized educators.

When I spoke to her this morning, her morale was rather low… Her head trauma means that she still has violent migraines and she still cannot sit down, because she is too dizzy and nauseous. She has a lot of difficulty concentrating and has suffered memory loss. Physically, it is also a painful ordeal and she still has at least two weeks of being immobilized on her back before she can hope to start moving. We sincerely hope that the effects of the head trauma fade quickly so that she can concentrate on her rehabilitation and that she comes back to us soon!

Although she doesn't have the energy to respond to anything, know that your messages touch her deeply... and keep her motivated to heal.
So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your little attentions!