The magic of New Year's Day is that it always feels like a fresh start! Yes, it's the first day of a new 365-day adventure. You never know what's in store for you.

It is also an opportunity to look back and see how far we have come in the year that has just ended.
As many of you know, 2022 has been a very difficult year for me (for more information, you can read this article about my accident). I hope this is not the case for you.
In this year of pain, I have really become aware of the importance of having people around me. Not that I didn't know it before, but let's just say it's different now.
I also noticed that whether we are rich or poor, we are all helpless when our health leaves us. It is our entourage that partly determines how we will live through this difficult time. And the support and mutual aid that we receive have an undeniable impact on our morale, our recovery.
2022 will have been a year of pain, but also a meaningful year to reconnect with gratitude. Because I am so grateful to see the luck I have, through the misfortune I have experienced.
I am fortunate to have a wonderful husband and adorable children who have been very present these last few months, who have participated in the care plan that the medical team following me has put in place, and who have supported me through all the trials.
I am lucky to have friends who supported me, who came to eat with me and who even decorated my hospital room.
I am fortunate to have family who have traveled many miles to visit me and cheer me on.
I am fortunate to be surrounded by dedicated employees who have held the fort.
I am fortunate to have customers like you, who have supported me by sending me kind messages, being loyal to my business and supporting Béké-Bobo by continuing to talk about our therapeutic bears and buying some this year.
I don't know how to better express my gratitude. But know that I feel rich to be so well surrounded.
For 2023, I wish you and your entire little family good health.
I wish you, like me, to become aware of all the love that surrounds you and to appreciate it at its true value.
With all my heart, I wish you a happy new year 2023!
Maggy-Nadyne, mother of Béké-Bobo